For weeks now, I have been taking us through the journey of the Image of God, as we expand on this topic we gain more clarity of who we are — the Image of God, and how we can live out this reality via the power of perspective. I wrote extensively on these two weeks ago, click on this link if you would love to read them again.


In the first article, I emphasized that humans bear the image of God in their moral, spiritual, and intellectual essence. In this sense, humans mirror God’s divine nature through their capacity to exhibit distinct qualities. These qualities, including rational understanding, creative freedom, the ability for self-realization; and the potential for self-transcendence distinguish humans from all other living beings.

In the second article, I explained that understanding perception emphasizes the importance of taking into account different points of view, which is essential for good communication and empathy. In the end, perception acts as a lens through which we see the world.


In this article, I will write to us about Men of God who by the Power of Faith made a distinct impact in the annals of human history, and by extension in the eternal Book of Life. One of God’s distinct characteristics is that He is a God of Faith and there are men of Faith who made significance just by tapping into the ultra-dimension of Faith that provoked the notable manifestation of the Hand of God in their individual lives, and by implication, their human world.

But just before we reveal these characters, we must comprehend, first and foremost, the fabric of Faith.


According to Hebrews 11 from verse 1 — Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Hebrews 1 gives a sensible definition of the meaning of Faith by delineating that there is a lively hope and assurance of a performance, revelation, and tangible solution to temporal mysteries, challenges, and/or obstacles of a visible nature. This living hope and assurance – otherwise known as faith – is imputed to God who Himself created the seen world from the unseen world by faith.

With that established, below is a list of Heroes of Faith who by their staunch belief in God directly reflected and revealed the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient attributes of God in their earthly walk with God. And it is because of their faith and unbending alignment with God, starting from the forefathers, that we can also dare to stake our trust in God, and with God.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see


Hebrews 11:8 describes Abraham’s path of faith and demonstrates his tenacity and persistence. Notably, he departed from his native country in answer to God’s summons to travel to an uncharted territory. Abraham endured several hardships throughout his lifetime, one of which was his prolonged wait for a son with his wife Sarah.

The moment Abraham obeyed God’s request to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice is sometimes seen as the apex of Abraham’s faith. Abraham believed that God was in control, even though it seemed that God’s promise of many descendants through Isaac conflicted with the demand for Isaac’s sacrifice. Nevertheless, Abraham showed a remarkable degree of faith by offering his promised son, Isaac, and it was this steadfast confidence, amongst other factors, that made him known as the “Father of Faith.”

The moment Abraham obeyed God’s request to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice is sometimes seen as the apex of Abraham’s faith. Abraham believed that God was in control, even though it seemed that God’s promise of many descendants through Isaac conflicted with the demand for Isaac’s sacrifice.

Hebrews 11:8 highlights the idea that faith is confidence in things unseen and assurance in things hoped for. This definition is demonstrated by Abraham’s life, encouraging believers to put their faith in God’s promises and persevere through life’s uncertainties.


Hebrews 11:4 lists Abel as one of the men of faith because of his excellent offering and moral nature. Abel, the son of Adam and Eve, presented a sacrifice to God in the biblical story found in Genesis. Hebrews 11:4 highlights his act of faith, saying, “Abel brought God a better offering by faith than Cain did.” He was acknowledged as virtuous by faith when God spoke highly of his sacrifices.

Abel’s faith is demonstrated in the sincerity and quality of his sacrifice, reflecting a genuine heart and a desire to honour God. Unlike his brother Cain, Abel’s offering was accepted by God because it was offered in faith and obedience.

Abel’s faith is demonstrated in the sincerity and quality of his sacrifice, reflecting a genuine heart and a desire to honour God. Unlike his brother Cain, Abel’s offering was accepted by God because it was offered in faith and obedience.

By including Abel in the “Hall of Faith,” Hebrews emphasizes the importance of genuine, heartfelt worship and obedience as key elements of faith. Abel’s story serves as an enduring example for believers about the significance of offering one’s best to God in faith and righteousness.

By including Abel in the “Hall of Faith,” Hebrews emphasizes the importance of genuine, heartfelt worship and obedience as key elements of faith. Abel’s story serves as an enduring example for believers about the significance of offering one’s best to God in faith and righteousness.


Because of his unusual connection to God and his unique life, Enoch is honoured in Hebrews 11:5 as one of the men of faith. According to Genesis 5:24, Enoch “walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.”

Enoch’s close relationship with God and unwavering dedication to live in fidelity serve as examples of his faith. Enoch’s life was unique in that he never experienced death, in contrast to many other individuals in the genealogies of Genesis who lived for several centuries. Rather, he was brought straight into the presence of God.

Enoch’s life was unique in that he never experienced death, in contrast to many other individuals in the genealogies of Genesis who lived for several centuries. Rather, he was brought straight into the presence of God.

Hebrews 11:5 highlights Enoch’s faith by saying, “Enoch was taken from this life by faith, never having to die: ‘He could not be found because God had taken him away.’ Because he was praised as someone who pleased God before he was removed.”

The narrative of Enoch emphasizes that having faith is living in accordance with God’s will and having a close, trusting connection with Him. He stands out as an example of faith because of his extraordinary destiny, which pleased God to the point that he was spared from the normal course of human mortality.

He stands out as an example of faith because of his extraordinary destiny, which pleased God to the point that he was spared from the normal course of human mortality.


Because of his faith in God’s prediction of an impending flood and his obedience to God’s instruction to build an ark, Noah is listed among the men of faith in Hebrews 11. Hebrews 11:7 says, “By faith, Noah built an ark in holy fear to save his family when he was warned about things he had not yet seen. He became the heir of the righteousness that is consistent with faith and condemned the world because of his faith.”

There are various points in Noah’s story where his faith is apparent. Even though he had never experienced such a horrific disaster, Noah trusted God’s warning about a flood and followed through by building the ark. He showed steadfast faith and trust by following God’s instructions.

Even though he had never experienced such a horrific disaster, Noah trusted God’s warning about a flood and followed through by building the ark. He showed steadfast faith and trust by following God’s instructions.

Second, Noah’s fortitude in the face of mockery and scepticism from those around him serves as a testament to his faith. He demonstrated his dedication to God’s purpose by diligently completing the enormous task of building the ark over a long period of time.

Noah’s placement in the “Hall of Faith” essentially emphasizes how crucial faith-based living is: to trust, obey, and persevere, regardless of hopeless circumstances. His life story is a timeless illustration of a person who, by faith, answered God’s call in a way that ultimately resulted in humanity’s life preservation and the advancement of God’s plan.


Owing to his substantial contribution to the Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian movements, especially in Nigeria, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola is frequently referred to as one of “God’s Generals”. Born in 1904, Babalola was instrumental in the mid-20th-century Christian resurgence in Nigeria. His inclusion among the “God’s Generals” is attributed to several factors:

  1. 1. Revival and Miracles: Babalola was known for his involvement in powerful revival meetings marked by fervent prayers and extraordinary miracles. Many people reported healings and deliverances during his ministry, contributing to his reputation as a vessel for divine manifestations.
  2. 2. Pioneering Pentecostalism: Babalola played a key role in the spread of Pentecostalism in Nigeria. He was associated with the Assemblies of God and Christ Apostolic Church, contributing to the growth of Pentecostal Christianity in the region.
  3. 3. Establishment of Churches and Schools: Apostle Babalola was instrumental in founding churches and schools, creating a lasting impact on the religious landscape and educational development in Nigeria. His efforts helped lay the foundation for the growth of Pentecostal Christianity in the country.
  4. 4. Spiritual Leadership: Babalola’s leadership and spiritual influence were profound. He was recognized not only for his supernatural encounters but also for his dedication to prayer, fasting, and a holy lifestyle. His followers often considered him a spiritual father and a guide in matters of faith.

To sum up, the fact that Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola is considered one of “God’s Generals” is a testament to his impact on the Pentecostal movement, his contributions to the Christian faith in Nigeria, and the impact of his ministry, which was marked by spiritual leadership, revival, and miracles.


Because of his significant influence in the Pentecostal and Charismatic Christian movements, especially in Nigeria, Archbishop Benson Idahosa is frequently referred to as one of “God’s Generals”. He is regarded as a prominent figure among the “God’s Generals” for the following reasons:

1. Pioneering Pentecostalism: In Nigeria, Archbishop Benson Idahosa was instrumental in the development and advancement of Pentecostal Christianity. His emphasis on the value of spiritual gifts and the strength of the Holy Spirit helped Pentecostal congregations flourish. He was a major influence in the Charismatic Movement.

2. Miracles and Healing Ministry: Idahosa was known for his dynamic ministry marked by miracles, healing, and deliverance. Many people reported experiencing supernatural interventions during his services, contributing to the perception of him as a vessel for God’s miraculous power.

3. Global Impact: Archbishop Idahosa’s influence extended beyond Nigeria. He was involved in international ministry, traveling to different countries and establishing connections with global Christian leaders. His outreach efforts contributed to the spread of Pentecostalism on a broader scale.

4. Impact on Education and Society: Idahosa was dedicated to both the practical and spiritual facets of existence. He demonstrated a comprehensive approach to Christianity by founding Benson Idahosa University in Nigeria and actively participating in numerous social and community development projects.

5. Spiritual Leadership: As the founder of the Church of God Mission International, Archbishop Idahosa provided spiritual leadership to a large congregation. His teachings emphasized faith, prosperity, and the practical application of biblical principles in everyday life.

In conclusion, Archbishop Benson Idahosa is regarded as one of “God’s Generals” due to his ground-breaking work in Pentecostalism, his worldwide influence, his powerful healing, and miraculous ministry, his dedication to education, and his function as a spiritual leader who profoundly influenced Christianity in Nigeria and beyond.

These Heroes of Faith from the accounts shared above are men highlighted from the pages of Scriptures, and also Generals on earth that have passed on whom by Faith dared the undareable, wrought supernatural powers, manifested the divinity of God on earth accomplished much for the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

And because of the Legacy of God they have established upon the face of the earth by their faith, they are recognized as being exceptional. We are no different from them because they are human like us, but recognizing the divinity part of them makes a difference.

We can also do a lot more than them if only we can tap into the power of the Image of God and live by Faith. Faith makes us exceptional and divine. Faith makes what is unseen to be seen. Faith makes a normal mortal live like a divine being.

I am the Image of God! And I live by the Faith of God.

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