The Mystic God 1

“Do I know God? I am verily aware that He’s present at this moment. But do I understand God? If I don’t understand God, then do I truly know Him?” – Aramide Salako

That’s the first thought that came to my mind as I mused on tonight’s note. Most of us claim to know God; that we have a great relationship with Him. I duly and fiercely share that sentiment with you. I have crossed beyond the stage of pure belief. I’m aware and know that there’s a God that superintends the entire cosmos and governs the affairs of man. But the truth is, I can’t affirm boldly to anyone that I can describe God in a way that resonates easily with another person who believes in God. Could you?

I have crossed beyond the stage of pure belief. I’m aware and know that there’s a God that superintends the entire cosmos and governs the affairs of man

“Whilst truly we can agree on some fundamental reference points, such as God is an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Being, sooner or later, we would begin to hit some divergent points that erode my conception of God from yours, and yours from theirs. This has been the bane of man’s existence: a difference of opinion on who we adjudge God to be. The outcome of this wide variance in the perception of God led to the formation of over 18 major religions in the world. An article on speculated over 4,000. The verdict here is that we have a discerning awareness of a Supreme Being. We interact with this Being in diverse, unique ways and therefore possess an atom and semblance of knowledge about Him. But thanks to the littleness of information we have of Him, we likewise cannot claim we understand God.

If we could understand God to a reasonable depth, are we, therefore, of all creatures, most blessed? That remains to be seen. But here’s the thing: all that we know of God, collectively and privately, is sufficient evidence for us to mull over, use and reuse for our immediate and everlasting benefit.

But here’s the thing: all that we know of God, collectively and privately, is sufficient evidence for us to mull over, use and reuse for our immediate and everlasting benefit.

Glory to God for all that is Him and revolves around Him. The little knowledge we have of Him is a bountiful reservoir of some manifold wisdom and some unsearchable mysteries that we shall grapple with for some ages to come. For now, let’s not worry too much about things we don’t understand about Him, but rather, let’s sing hallelujah for the things we know. Be a man. Don’t try to understand God with your human mind, He won’t make much sense. Only believe His Truth, follow His Way, and the Light of God, where wisdom, knowledge, and understanding converge, will overshadow you.”

Excerpt From Thoughts In Traffic by Aramide Salako
Note: This material may be protected by copyright.

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