Jesus Christ is the light of mankind, shining in the darkness, giving meaning to human existence, and to the whole of history.” — Pope Francis.
Today, 25th December 2020[2023], is Christmas. Historians are of the opinion that Christmas harks back to the pagan festivity of Saturnalia and that twice in history, the then-budding custom of Christmas annual celebration was abolished. Be that as it may, Christmas is today, a worldwide fiesta that will stay with us till the end of time. Whether 25th December was the exact date of birth of Jesus Christ is a mystery we may never unravel, but one thing is evident: Christ was begotten.
So Christmas, in essence, is the celebration of the nativity of divinity in humanity, and the incipiency of the Being God as a mortal. Beyond the profound religious implication of this truly astonishing event, studying the divinity of Christ telescopically and microscopically, how significant is the observable impact of God on earth till the present day? If God sojourned the earth realm, what lasting legacy has that cosmic impact had, and is yet having, in our world today?
From an objective point of view, I have outlined below empirical and painstaking phenomena that substantiate the fact that Christ is God — omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent — and that He not only showed up in the form of man, but also, that He yet reveals His Godhood in tell-tales, immanent and transcendent.
1. Celestial Manifestations.
The firmament is, with little doubt, a canvas for heaven-drawn portraits. In most cases, we are unable to make out exactly the pictures the heavens paint. The clouds, ever so fleeting, will at times form works of art that resonate with the psyche but spiral beyond human grasp. On other occasions, we can discern clear outlines of images of a man, a lion, a vehicle, a tree, or other terrestrial symbols.
In March 2019, Alfredo Lo Brutto from Italy captured an image of Jesus Christ, striking an eerie resemblance with the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. If that was hardly convincing, in May of the same year, a Christ-like shape in Argentine clouds cast an unmistakable image embossed over a textured sky.
In both scenarios, the snapshots went viral owing to the clear-cut appearances of pictures that strike a chord not only with the human psyche but also with the human intelligence of Jesus Christ as depicted in modern pictures and movies.
These portraits are not just masterworks from the Master of the Universe, but also timely messages reminding the world that Christ is with us, and will most likely return soon.
2. Miracles.
Miracles are the all-too-familiar but rare intermediation of the divine in insolvable, trying, desperate human dilemmas. That Jesus Christ was a miracle worker who did diverse kinds of miracles in his lifetime is a widely recognised fact. The subject of miracles is a thing of controversy between cessationists who believe miracles, healing, and speaking in tongues ceased at a point in history, and continuationists who think otherwise.
Unlike in His lifetime when miracle-works were spectacular events seen and noised about, in today’s world, miracles are not only inward-moving and personal, but they are also watered down by the ubiquity and scepticism of science. Awe-inspiring miracles still happen in their umpteenth frequency, unquestionably.
While it is also an indisputable fact that some religious leaders, gurus, and shamans are noted for performing miracles, oftentimes, when miracles, devoid of human cause, occur, we all recognise the familiar hand of the miracle-worker of two millennials past: Jesus Christ.
3. Stigmata.
This is doubtless the most astonishing phenomenon of God’s literal manifestation of His mortal injuries on certain humans. Stigmata is the bodily imprint of Christ’s crucifixion wounds reproduced on human bodies. For clarity sake, here’s a better definition. “Stigmata — bodily marks or sores, corresponding in location to the crucifixion wounds of Christ, supposed to occur during states of religious ecstasy or hysteria.”
The discovery of this supernatural occurrence dates back to the time of St Francis of Assisi (1181-1226), who became the first stigmatic upon whom marks of Christ’s pierced hands, feet, and impaled right side, visibly appeared. This happened after an ecstatic moment when he encountered an angel with six wings that showed him a vision of Christ’s suffering. And then the said suffering dramatically translated upon St Francis.
If this event had happened only to St Francis, sceptics could easily have written this off as something delusional. But no, this bizarre manifestation of the Stigmata yet reoccurs and has been witnessed, and recorded in more than 400 cases since St Francis. Medical explanations have been given to interpret this sort of event, and there are known cases of phonies mimicking stigmatics.
That notwithstanding, should there truly be any misgivings in simply acknowledging that this is the Hand of God at work? It must be noted that most stigmatics, who were later canonized, devoted their lives completely to God, out of love and passion for the calling of Christ. Is there anything too hard for God to do? Would it be out of reason to imagine that if Christ indeed is God, these extraordinary transmutations are Godlike powers within His command? Are these indicators not telling enough that Christ was, is, and is to come? The aim of this report is not towards sensationalism, but there’s the thrill of the knowledge of such sensational nature that boggles the mind.
4. Near-death experiences.
A Near-death experience is defined as “A sensation of detachment from one’s body, the presence of a tunnel of light, the apparent viewing of one’s own body from on high, and similar manifestations, experienced by people whose heart and brain have temporarily ceased to function.” If a human comparison could be made to weigh the dynamism of God, the experiential knowledge of the afterlife will floor all known superpowers of God on earth a gazillion times over.
According to NDE stories, which are highly consistent, Heaven is a super-sensible realm; even more real than Earth is. Folks who get there never want to return here; why, they feel at home! In heaven, there is the ingress into an ethereal domain far beyond the excellency of the description of words. A City of Light is the closest depiction you get of this wondrous existence. The blindingly glorious light, as accounted, is given off by the Father of lights, Him whom they refer to as Jesus Christ.
If truly Jesus Christ is God the Creator enthroned up above, then all the puzzles will start to fall into place. One would not have to wonder for so long about all the confounding mysteries in the world that science cannot fully account for. You begin to see the Hand of God behind the scenes, prudently ordering proceedings in the governance of His universe.
5. Conversions.
Finally, multitudes of humans are ditching their worldviews and are giving their lives to Jesus Christ, unlike ever before in the history of mankind. Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans, Reprobates, Muslims, Christians, Jews; humans are encountering Jesus Christ personally in an ultra-high dimension above the restricted ability of evangelization.
For a fact, Jesus Christ Himself is appearing and contacting people personally. Confirmations abound of normal and abnormal, religious and secular, black and white, sinful and saints encountering Christ one-on-one in intimate fellowship with the Divine.
Conclusively, these observational data are just a few facts that substantiate the truth of Jesus Christ’s humanity as steeped in human chronology, and His prescience and deity over infernal, mortal, supernal, and eternal realities.
Excerpt From
Thoughts In Traffic
Aramide Salako
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Jesus is the reason for the season☺️☺️