Biblical Hero of the Week: JOSIAH

“Supported by the Lord” is the English translation for the Hebrew name: “Josiah.” Historically, Josiah, also called Yoshiyahu, son of King Amon and Queen Jedidiah; daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath, was the 16th King of Judah (circa 640-609 BCE). He was eight years old when he ascended the throne. He reigned for 31 years before he was succeeded by his son, Jehoahaz, also known as Shallum. The accounts of Josiah’s life can be found in 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35.

What distinguished King Josiah from every other king in Judah was his righteousness in Christ. The Bible describes him as a man who “did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.”

Josiah feared the Lord and he paid obeisance to His commandments. He walked after the Lord’s heart and kept his statues. If anything defied the regulation of God’s principles, he refuted against it. His great grandfather, Manasseh was one of the kings who adulterated the way of the Lord and adapted the Temple for idolatrous worship. However, a revolution began when Josiah came to power.

He became the precursor of religious reform in Judah that spurred the purgation of idolatry and immorality in his 12th year. It is noteworthy that he gave his life to Christ in the 8th year of his reign at the early age of 16. At such an early age, he had resolved in his heart, like our biblical hero last week, Daniel, to give his all to God. And he stood by that promise.

There was hardly any king in Judah that could measure up to Josiah’s devotion to Christ, neither did any like him rise after.

Josiah was a peculiar person, a chosen generation leader of God mandated with the vision of reconciling Judah back to Christ.

 Hence, Josiah’s life calls for a greater examination of what lessons, we as Christians, can learn and emulate from him:

1. Service:

Josiah rendered his life as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. In 2nd Kings 22, it is recorded that Josiah orders the high priest Hilkiah to use the tax money accumulated over the years for the repair and renovation of God’s temple. This was an act of passion to effect development in the house of the Lord. He could have embezzled this fund for his pleasure but he didn’t.

As believers, we are adjourned to ensure we express our sincere devotion to God, mostly through service. God first; everything else is secondary. The true master of the righteous man is God. Only by serving God can we gain access to a deeper Rhema or dimension of Him.

Note: God only works with those who work with Him.

As believers, we are adjourned to ensure we express our sincere devotion to God, mostly through service. God first; everything else is secondary.


2. Submission to Christ:

Josiah stayed steadfast in uprightness with the Lord in all his ways. He submitted to him and acknowledged him always. He followed his lead. Many a time, due to our positions or status, we tend to ignore the directives of God. But King Josiah, although a king and ruler over a large number of people, still submitted himself to God’s will. Only by submitting to God’s will can we follow and begin to walk in his footsteps.

Note: God only walks with those who walk with Him.

Only by submitting to God’s will can we follow and begin to walk in his footsteps. Note: God only walks with those who walk with Him.

3. Humility:

Submission to God springs forth from a place of humility. Josiah was humble before man and before God. Even the prophetess, Huldah said this about Josiah: “Thou hast humble thyself before the Lord.” Humility engenders God’s favour. As a result of Josiah’s humility before God, he lifted the curse he would have rained on Judah. Because of one man! Humility grants us access to God’s divine favour!

Humility engenders God’s favour.

In conclusion, among the numerous lessons to be learned from Josiah’s tale, we can learn that age is an insignificant factor when it comes to staying committed and working for the Lord. God desires men who will stand before the altar with all their positions and statuses and still submit to his will. Our life is our service to God. We should live right daily, free of immortality, for God, to God, by God!

Declare: “I will live for God!”

4 thoughts on “Biblical Hero of the Week: JOSIAH”



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