Canticles of Thanksgiving

An adaptation of Psalms 136

Bless the one who keeps without sleep.
Bless the one who hears my groaning.
His presence is like the sky, it umbrellas me in its comfort.
My eyes have seen the faithfulness of the Almighty One.

His mercy is like a living wellspring, it bathes me and never dries.
His love, a swarm of sunshine sweeping freckles off my face.
Like Euphrates, I draw from the river that sustains without drought.

He is the orchard that feeds without famine.
In my darkest days, He lights my path like a firefly unto a perfect morning.
I glisten because of His glorious spirit.

Bless the Lord, of the House of Israel,
The one who keeps the rhythm in my soul,
Visions in my eyes and rhapsodies in my heart.


Bless the watchman who keeps over my door.
Bless the staff that makes my weakness stand in strength.
One thing I have desired, a thousand things he has provided.

Call him the Rose of Sharon, the mantle of my soul.
Bless the one who breaks the cedars of Lebanon for my good.
Bless the Holy One with psalteries and strings,
with harps and xylophones.

Let the earth tremble at the threshold of the One,
Who keeps the world in his Hands.
Bless the Deliverer of Judah and Israel.
He subdues kingdoms under his feet.
At his right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Bless the One who paves a way out of the dunghill.
Bless the One who gives joy without price.
Surely, praise and thanksgiving will I give,
To the One that keeps without slumber.
The Lion of the tribe of Judah brooding over me.

2 thoughts on “Canticles of Thanksgiving”

  1. “One thing I have desired, a thousand He has provided”

    Pumped directly from the stream of the Spirit 🤲♥️

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