Harmony of Disruption: Becoming A Disruptor

In today’s rapidly changing world, the concept of disruption has become synonymous with innovation, progress, and transformation. To become a disruptor is to challenge the status quo, break down barriers, and usher in a new era of possibility. Becoming a disruptor begins with adopting a disruptive mindset. This mindset is characterized by a willingness to question the status quo, challenge assumptions, and embrace uncertainty.

In my last article, I wrote about disruptive thinking, where I defined disruption as departing from conventional wisdom, challenging the status quo, and implementing cutting-edge strategies that have the potential to produce revolutionary resultsHarmony of Disruption: Scientific Insights and Biblical Narratives on Disruptive Thinking.

In this article, I will share with us biblical insights about how we can become a Disruptor.

In today’s rapidly changing world, the concept of disruption has become synonymous with innovation, progress, and transformation. To become a disruptor is to challenge the status quo, break down barriers, and usher in a new era of possibility. Becoming a disruptor begins with adopting a disruptive mindset. This mindset is characterized by a willingness to question the status quo, challenge assumptions, and embrace uncertainty.

Surprisingly, the Bible offers timeless wisdom and profound examples that resonate with the principles of disruption. By drawing on biblical teachings and narratives, we can glean valuable insights on how to become disruptors in our own lives and communities. Below is a list of men in the scripture who were disruptors in their lifetime:


Moses is among the most well-known disruptors in biblical history. Moses encountered several difficulties and barriers in his mission to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. Nevertheless, he accepted his position as a visionary leader, driven by conviction and faith. When God invited Moses to lead his people in Exodus 3:10, he answered with humility but also a fearless vision of liberation: “So now, go. In order to rescue my people, the Israelites, from Egypt, I am sending you to Pharaoh.”

As disruptors, we must embrace visionary leadership, grounded in a sense of purpose and guided by divine wisdom. Like Moses, we must dare to envision a better future and take bold action to bring that vision to fruition.


In the Bible, the narrative of David and Goliath is arguably the most well-known instance of disruption. Fear and mistrust immobilized everyone, including King Saul and his army, when they saw the towering monster Goliath. However, David, a young shepherd kid, ventured to question accepted knowledge. Against all odds, armed only with a sling and his trust in God, he vanquished Goliath.

In 1 Samuel 17:45-47, David declares to Goliath: “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty… and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.” David’s victory was not just a triumph of physical strength but a testament to his courage, faith, and willingness to defy the status quo.

To become disruptors, we must be willing to challenge conventional wisdom and defy the odds. Like David, we must rely not on our own strength but on God’s power and guidance to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.


Jesus Christ stands out as the Greatest Disruptor in the New Testament. His deeds and teachings upended the established religious hierarchy of his day and ushered in a new period of spiritual awareness and metamorphosis. Jesus was a social revolutionary who broke social mores, welcomed misfits, and taught forgiveness, love, and compassion.

In Matthew 9:16-17, Jesus uses the metaphor of new wine and old wineskins to illustrate the need for innovation and adaptation: “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment… Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

As disruptors, we must embrace radical innovation and be willing to challenge entrenched systems and structures. Like Jesus, we must have the courage to break free from old paradigms and embrace new ways of thinking and being.

As disruptors, we must embrace radical innovation and be willing to challenge entrenched systems and structures. Like Jesus, we must have the courage to break free from old paradigms and embrace new ways of thinking and being.


Apostle Paul, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, emerges as a quintessential disruptor in the New Testament, whose life and teachings transformed the landscape of early Christianity. His journey from persecutor of Christians to one of its most fervent proponents embodies the essence of disruption through radical change, unwavering conviction, and tireless innovation.

In conclusion, The Bible’s tales and lessons provide insightful guidance on how to cause disruptions in our own lives and our communities. Biblical figures inspire us to question the existing quo, reject conventional wisdom, and work for revolutionary change. Examples range from Moses’s visionary leadership to David’s bravery and Jesus’s radical intervention.

We need to have a strong sense of purpose that is based on faith and directed by divine knowledge if we want to become disruptors. We need to be brave enough to dream of a better future and persistent enough to get over setbacks. Above all, we need to have faith in God’s ability to guide us ahead and be open to embracing radical innovation.

In a world that is constantly evolving, the call to disruption is as relevant today as it was in biblical times. So let us heed the lessons of the past and embark on a journey of faith, courage, and innovation, knowing that with God’s guidance, all things are possible.

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