Hello, I want to tell you the story of the world’s greatest superhero and it’s not a comic so listen.

YESH came from a faraway kingdom called ET-Life, yet he travelled through the dirtiest road, the only road leading to Earth. He came on a mission to save mortals who didn’t know they needed saving from their real enemy.

His Father, THEOS, had sent them notes informing them of his son’s coming but his
appearance wasn’t what they expected, they had thought it differently. THEOS was and is the only reigning King of LIFE. In ET-Life, there is an endless supply of energy residing within THEOS and YESH.

This energy ensures timeless preservation unreachable by corruption. YESH, just like his father, loved mortals. Oh, he really loved them. He ate with them, shared his space with them, and made them whole from the endless energy he had within him.

He desired to share this energy with them so their Lord would stop oppressing them. Their Lord, Lucs, working with his men-in-black daily, oppressed and derived joy in the pain mortals suffered. Lucs and his gang operated mostly indirectly through mortals, making them think they were each other’s problem or enemy, hence, the hate, and selfishness expressed sometimes in wars, fighting etc.

YESH wanted mortals to enjoy what he enjoys in his kingdom instead of the corruption that subjects them to the authority of Lucs. Some mortals, the Pharucees, who knew some things about THEOS, felt threatened by YESH and were angry against him because of his bold declaration of his intimate relationship with THEOS, something they thought impossible and blasphemous.

They decided to arrest him for doing no wrong and punish him with the greatest punishment they could ever think about even if he would die from it. Apparently, that was their plan but if they just went ahead to kill him, they would lose the favour they enjoyed amongst men.


YESH had some mortals who believed him and in his mission to save them. All they thought they needed saving from were other mortals but YESH knew beyond that. He wanted to remove what Lucs had on mortals, which made him powerful over mortals. He knew he had to die for that to happen and He told his mortal friends about it but also assured them of his coming back from death to life.

A strangely bold claim, they thought, but they trusted him YESH was arrested, beaten and killed on a cross like a criminal but he never sinned. The PHARUCEES thought they had succeeded until the third day when YESH rose up from the place of death. They weren’t in the know of the endless energy on his inside and how he couldn’t die.

YESH showed himself to mortals who were amazed and many believed his claims. To as many who believed also received the endless energy which made and makes them superior to their actual oppressors, Lucs and his men in black, making them just like their saviour YESH.

I believe you must be intrigued by the story of this superhero, well don’t just be intrigued, enjoy what he has done by believing in him. Do you want to know more?? Get a bible!

Happy Easter!

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