My Dearest One,

I have loved you with an everlasting love, and with an infallible kindness have I drawn you. I have known you even before the world began; an exquisite masterpiece called man. I created you. Like a potter with his clay, I formed and furnished you. Your angles, your dimensions, your complexion.  

An envoy on assignment, I ordained you for a divine monument. 
Indeed, beautifully and wonderfully made. I showed you the light of my salvation at a young age,
my grace and mercy upon you; steadfastly operational.

And in those days, you sought me with nerve-wracking hunger like I was the most delectable course on the menu. The rain came, the wind blew, but you never lost your zeal. I heard your
voice at dawn, and at dusk, you came to koinonia. Sweet fragrances of ever-burning incense of worship, you offered unto me. You found delight in my laws and did meditate on them day and night. My presence was your amusement park. 

Also Read: LOVE

But then, as days morphed into weeks, weeks in months, and months in years, you have forgotten your first love and turned your back on me. Driven by overwhelming passions, fleshly lusts and unholy desires. You have become neither cold nor hot, searching for answers in the wrong place. 

How could you leave me for the accuser of mankind! He is a liar, he will use you to destroy you, to squeeze the life out of you, by believing that which is false about you. A mirage, a deceptive appearance, a false idea, an ungodly belief. And you my dear, went from an illusion to a delusion and from a delusion to confusion: the conclusion of oppression.

My best friend became a stranger, morning devotion became a boring ablution as it seemed you suddenly developed a phobia for koinonia. Where are you? Who are you? Hearken therefore my child unto my rebuke and your heart, let it fill. Take up your cross and come, darling, for there is no weight of sin My Glory cannot handle.

I made you for a purpose. Come home!

Even everyone that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him. Isaiah 43:7

Come unto Me, ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Yours faithfully, 

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