Bible Text

Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.

Jeremiah 15:16 KJV

We are in a generation where the full measure of the Word is not fully grasped. As such we tend to live a substandard Christian life because we refuse to make full use of the treasure allotted to us – The Word of God, thereby causing us to misquote and half-quote the scripture to suit our purpose and desires. There is a scarcity of The True Word of God in this season because there have risen false prophets and teachers equipped from hell to perform lying signs and lying wonders to make men stray away from the path of life which God has created for them in Christ Jesus and cause them to walk in darkness.

To bring back the good order that our fathers had, we need to retrace our steps back to the scriptures by checking how much relevance the Word has in the fulfilment of our prophetic destinies. It is however proven that one of the best ways to absorb a substance into the body system is through the digestive system. We have been handed a sceptre that we need to preserve in order to fulfil the full course of our destinies and we will not lose it!

We will be exploring the full expanse of how edible the Word is and how it can bring profits to our spirit, soul and body. To eat is to ingest a substance so that it can nourish your body. Invariably, Eating The Word is the process of ingesting the scriptures for the purpose of bringing revival and renewal to the triune nature of man [Spirit, Soul and Body].

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  1. Make A Plan To Study [Prepare Your Delicacy] – Before a raw food item can be a meal suitable for consumption, it has to go through the process of preparation. These series of processes are what needs to be in place before a meal can be edible and palatable; these same processes apply to the Word of God. The Word of God needs to be prepared before you can benefit from it. As a believer, you are meant to have a quiet time schedule and during this time, you should have a plan in your journal or schedule either by studying the Bible in categories or chronologically. You need to have a plan before you can absorb the Word of God into your spirit man, and then the absorbed word will come to fruition in your life. Make a Plan.
  2. Study [Eat It!] – What exactly are you going to do when a meal is being prepared? I am certain you are going to eat it, and that’s what you are expected to do as a child of God. What happens when you eat? In one word, it is called nourishment. The word nourishes your spirit, soul and body when you eat it; you feel charged, renewed and revived. The Word is prepared in a manner that it lacks nothing. When Jeremiah ate the Word in Jeremiah 15:16, the Bible says that it became joy and rejoicing to his soul. In Nehemiah 8:10, we get to learn that the “Joy of the Lord is our Strength.” That is the impact of the absorbed Word; you get strengthened in every facet of your life. When you study, you discover the hidden treasures in the Word, just as the body finds hidden nutrients in a well-prepared meal.
  3. Meditate [Chew It] – To meditate is to ponder on a subject matter until it is being deciphered appropriately so as to fulfil its purpose. God in Joshua 1:8 encouraged us to meditate on the word day and night until we are able to get to the apex of it which is having prosperity and good success. When you chew food, you feel the sweetness of the meal on your palate and get to know how delicious it tastes. The same experience happens when you chew the Word and ruminate on it. Meditation proffers solutions. Meditation brings the full package that is available in the Word. It opens your eyes to what you need to have good success.
  4. Act on The Word [Digest It] – When we chew, we break the food into smaller pieces which makes it easier for the body to absorb. This exact process works with the Word of God, once you have gone through a thorough process of meditation, it makes absorption easier and that’s where wisdom comes in. In 1 John 1:1, Apostle John was acting on the word he had seen, heard, looked upon and handled. He had seen the Word work several times, especially in Acts 3:1-10, and he acted on the Word while writing his epistles. Enzymes act on food; Believers act on the Word.
  5. Live The Word [Bear Fruits with the Word] – When digestion happens, the digested food is absorbed by the body for nourishment and refreshing. This is the same way the Word works. Any time we act on the absorbed word, we tend to live on the word by bearing fruits with the word. There is an adage in the Yoruba language that is interpreted thus: It is the strength within that enables us to carry out the activities without. Consequently, before you can achieve great feats for the kingdom you need to have a large quota of the absorbed word and the only way to absorb is by Eating the Word. The sincere milk of the word that Apostle Peter spoke about in 1 Peter 2:2 is for our constant refreshing and renewal. An ill-fed man is known by his physical stature. Choose to live the word. Let the word reflect in your life, just as a well-fed man looks nourished and fresh.


  1. My understanding is enlightened – When you eat a meal, your insight is opened to how delicious the food is. Eating the Word does the same thing, when you eat the Word, you get to know how sweet it is. David tasted it and confirmed that it was sweeter than pure honey. “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” [Psalm 119:103].
  2. God speaks to you – The Word of God is a medium through which God speaks to His people and it is the only offensive weapon within the reach of a believer, we are meant to use for kingdom advancement. The tongue gets a sensory signal anytime it tastes any substance, and it immediately sends this signal to the brain for proper interpretation, interpreting it as sweet, sour, salty or bitter; and that is what happens when your spirit comes in contact with the word of God meaning it can be interpreted as rebuke, exhortation, edification and reprove [1 Corinthians 14:3, 2 Timothy 4:2]. When the word is ingested, there is a spirit-reaction.
  3. The miraculous happens – There is a spirit-reaction when the word is put into action. For the word to birth miracles, it has to be engrafted [James 1:18]. When this engrafted word is inputted into a man’s heart, he becomes limitless in every way because the word has been built into his spirit as a result of usual eating exercise. The word gets used to your spirit just as food gets used to your body when it is ingested over time. The Bible says that the word produced healing and deliverance once it had been dispatched from God’s Throne. Hold on to the word and when the spirit-reaction takes hold, miracles are bound to happen.
  4. You gain strength [Spiritual stamina] – One of the reasons every living organism eats is because it needs strength to carry out its daily activities. Without eating, the body will become weak thereby making one unable to keep going. Lack of food leads to malnutrition. The Word is our source of strength. The more you behold it, the more appealing it is; and the more appealing it is, the more palatable it becomes. After every meal taken there is a renewal and refreshing that takes place in the body. In Psalm 68:19, the Bible confirms that God daily loads us with benefits. These benefits are for our refreshing and renewal because yesterday’s benefits cannot settle today’s needs. Hallelujah!
  5. It helps us to grow in our walk with God – The Bible says that the word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path [Psalm 119:105]. When you eat a meal, you have every tendency to grow because the food has that growth function; and so also does the Word of God. It helps us grow in our walk with God. 1 Peter 2:2 says “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:” The milk present in the word of God is to make us grow thereby.

    Study the Word today!

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