God’s Eternal Valentine

In the stillness of my soul’s embrace,
I sought a gift, a token of grace.
On Valentine’s Day, with hopeful plea,
I turned to God, on bended knee.

“I desire a gift,” I softly sighed,
As stars above in the heavens sighed.
But from friends and kin, no gift in sight,
My heart yearned for love in the dark of night.


Once more I cried to the heavens high,
“Oh, grant me a gift, lest I feel alone!”
And in that moment, a voice so clear,
Whispered softly in my ear:

“I have given you a gift divine,
A love that transcends all space and time.
In Jesus Christ, my heart I’ve lent,
To you, my child, my love is sent.”

With trembling hands and grateful heart,
I embraced the gift, ne’er to depart.
For in Christ’s love, I found my home,
No greater gift could ever be known.

Thus, on this day of love’s sweet song,
I’ll sing of grace, forever strong.
For in His death, God’s Valentine,
An eternal love, forever mine.

2 thoughts on “God’s Eternal Valentine”

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