Spirit Divine

Spirit Divine, thou the Unknown Known
The origin of time,
And the wellspring of life,
With faith only, do we find thy everlasting truth,
Yet alive we remain, by thy ever-present air within and without,
Mysterious wonder enclothed in truth and life,
Grant we, vain mortals, wisdom beyond the ages,
That we may gladly accept the corporal life given,
As precious, worthy, and eternally begotten.

Mortal coil, thou the Known Known,
In time, becamest thy creation,
In life, becomest thy person,
With coming of age, all bodies recede from the Source of Life,
Day by day, man increaseth beauty upon knowledge, knowledge upon power,
The proof of life, woven into the fabric of material bodies,
Hath become the substance of our realities, the symbol of manifold self-conceit, Drawing further apart from the prescience, and brooding,
Of a mysterious wonder, enclothed in truth and life.

Alas, the body is doomed,
For within is void of life,
And without lies a gangling stretch of dust,
Whose former glory turns into a shadow of man,
Upon the instance life-giving Spirit departs,
The shell of a mortal soma,
Hath become nothing something that was,
A reality Known Unknown.

Culled from the book, THOUGHTS IN TRAFFIC.

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