I struck a chord,
A different one;
The notes, the rhythm, the melody;
All aligned in a unique motif.

A different tune,
Vibrating at a frequency that;
Screamed love into my ears;
Echoed mercy in my messy state;
And with each rising octave;
I am drawn into the perfect symphony;
With The One whose Heart;
Resonates with passion – for me.

His name is Jesus,
The sweetest note in Seraph song;
The greatest pitch love can hum;
The hymn carolling in my heart.

His love is so overwhelming,
You could call it an overtone;
His love is so pristine;
It’s like a perfect fifth;
And you may say love is blind;
But His love is not;
More than sight;
It has a voice.

Sweet sonorous hums;
Of immortal affection;
That tingled humus to human;
An ever modulating scale;
Of infinite solfa;
It has no strings attached;
Yet it strums in sonorous ambience.

Listen to the solfa of His Heartbeat;
Whispering the eternal chorus;
Of His euphonious love.

Mellow chants etched from His very heart,
Chimes my pestered soul;
Into a tranquil caesura;
A sacred genre, off the charts;
Ringing into this languishing world;
The sweet bells of salvation.


Tones and semitones of sympathy,
Pulsated in His veins;
As He carried upon His shoulder;
The filthiness of men.

Calvary! Where this love ran red,
Should be crowned the cornerstone of musical discovery;
For no immaculate concerto;
Had ever tiptoed the ears of men;
As the baritone that articulated;
When the gravestone was rolled.

Words cannot properly enunciate this love well enough!
I thought music would do justice;
But alas! How mistaken I was;
For even the Great Stave;
Would be indicted for making an attempt;
To represent His love.

The Songs of Solomon,
Played On the Harp of David;
Pale stoutly in comparison;
To the alluring tempo of His love.

And Oh! His heart!
Purring a soprano of unparalleled compassion;
Heralding a love beyond mortal comprehension;
Sings the souls of many;
Into a redemptive lullaby;
As the rhythm of His love takes crescendo;
At the base of my humble essence.

Salem ✍️

3 thoughts on “THE RHYTHM OF HIS LOVE”

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